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  • Writer's pictureChristina Adams

What is it like in a sorority?

We all have watched Legally Blonde or Sydney White and believe we know what greek life entails: lots of drinking, always looking put together, and being fake and over the top and I can tell you that greek life at UCF is nothing like any of the stereotypes I thought I knew. A lot of people believe that sororities are just a way to "pay to make friends" which is true in some ways but I have found a greater support system than I could have ever imagined.

Let me start by saying recruitment week does suck. It really is the best and worst week of your life. There is lots of sweat, some tears, more sweat, lots of talking, but I couldn't of imagined a better week. I know it all sounds crazy but I promise that if you trust the system you will find your home!


1. The People

Here is me with my big, Madeline, at Drive Shack! We got to eat yummy food and golf to our hearts content.

When you find your true home, the people there really do feel like your family. My sister Abbie put it perfectly: "you should feel comfortable enough to fart in front of them and not worry". Not worrying to put on a front. Not worrying to act the wrong way. Not worrying they won't want to hangout with you ever again. When I ran home to Kappa Kappa Gamma on bid day, I was greeted by so many genuine people who wanted to see me flourish and grow into a woman with amazing qualities. And that still applies to this day. Im actually typing this out sitting in our study room with our old president and another sister whom I love DEARLY.

A big point is that you wont get along with everyone!!! Every single person you meet won't want to spend every second of the day with you, it's normal and not the end of the world. Every chapter has its problems and part of going through this is learning how to deal with confrontation now so when we all become adults we don't handle situations like children. You get what you put into this whole experience so make the most of it! Go explore places you wouldn't have and stay up that extra hour to get to know girls better.

Me and my sisters at our philanthropy event, Kappa Con Queso! We raised money for Reading is Fundamental, one of our 3 philanthropies.

2. The Events

We call our date functions Grad-A-Date's or GAD and Sydney White is probably the best image of this. If you haven't seen it yet, I'll set the tone: the new members are awoken from a deep slumber inside their chapter room and they are instructed to grab a guy and meet at a diner in town. It then cuts to them frantically pulling cute guys off the street and out of fraternity houses. This is the physical interpretation of "grab a date" and what I was kinda hoping would happen. Sadly, this was just one unrealistic expectation presented in sorority movies ... shocker. In reality, these events are planned in advance by our Events council member and take lots of work to put on. Getting buses, food, and choosing an outfit theme. This past semester we went to Rebounderz and Drive Shack and this spring semester we have one in a few weeks to Dave and Busters!

Along with these events we also get to hold Philanthropy events and raise money to support our philanthropies (pictured above). We also attend other Greek Life philanthropy events and help support the Panhellenic community #PANLOVE. Getting to know other panhellenic woman has been so amazing, especially seeing other girls I've known in high school in their own chapters. I really can't wait for them to do amazing things.

We also have semi-formal (in Fall) and formal (in Spring) which is essentially the equivalent of homecoming and prom in high school. Getting to dress up and have the best experiences with some of your best friends is really worth all of the stress and all the money happiness could buy.

3. The House

We have the great luxury of having a house on UCF's campus. It is UCF owned which kinda sucks, but our house board is so accommodating and we have some big plans for the future.

When I was just a little baby new member last semester, going to the house was such a daunting task. Having to knock on the door and wait for someone to answer then sit in the study room as girls I briefly knew walked in and out. Looking back I did a pretty good job making myself known in the chapter and I'm proud that I was able to step out so boldly because it has had great repercussions later on.

Having a house has really been a great luxury. We get to hold house dinners (which really helped me get to know people as a new members), our new member sleepover (to get to know more girls in pledge class), chapter every week, and around 40 girls living in the house. Living in the house is something I plan on doing this upcoming fall, because I think it is an experience you only can do once, so why not try it! I'll get back to y'all if I end up enjoying it haha.

Me and my bid day buddy Jordan! On bid day we ended up going to Hollywood Studios and watching fantasmic.

4. The Commitment

Being in a sorority is one of the biggest time commitments you'll ever make. It is equivalent to having a job (especially if you're on council or hold a position).

Some days it sucks having at least two things a week and more unplanned quick outings to go to and it also means less time for school and other friends. A big part of this all is time management. If you don't learn to section your time or even say "no" to events (which really does suck) then life will become a giant mess. The first few weeks when we get our approved schedules is a mish mosh. Copying it all into my schedule on my computer and my planner is VERY stressful. Somehow I am able to make it all work.

Not only is it time, but also a physical commitment. You need to represent your chapter the best way possible and feel fantastic while doing it. We participate in events like Zeta Lip Sync and KD shakedown which are dance competitions with long and grueling practice hours. In order to get through them and not pull something, you need to be taking good care of your body!

With all of this said, greek life isn't for everyone. It's like the Bachelor: some people (cough Elise cough) can't work with your man dating 20 other women, while other women on the show don't mind as much. It might take some time to get used too, and maybe even another try at a different chapter or even Bachelor in Paradise. But don't get discouraged if at first it starts off rough or you don't get into your first choice, because where ever you go there will always be at least a few people that you enjoy.

Im having the time of my life in Kappa and I couldn't be happier!

xo Christy

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