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  • Writer's pictureChristina Adams

Orientation: the 3 W’s to expect

Being the first official college event you go to orientation is a stressful day (or two in my case). You want to make a good impression because these will be the people in your class for a long time and showing up in your pajamas is not acceptable - which is ludicrous and the status quo needs to change. But orientation is something that should be exciting and eye-opening not stressful and dreadful.

I had my orientation at the beginning of June - which is early compared to my friends having orientation now since classes start mid-August - because I wanted the best choice in classes for fall. Looking back this was one of the best decisions because for the past two months I haven't had to worry about choosing classes or my MPT or Chem PT. I would definitely recommend choosing an earlier orientation unless a vacation or other event collide.

Besides spending hours and days doing my Math Placement pre-tests and tests, the way I prepared for orientation was watching vlogs and tips on youtube and just being ready to go in with an open mind and friendly attitude. Now an official college student I thought I would tell you the three W's to except when going through orientation.

1. Welcome

Walking into orientation is tricky, but you need to have a great attitude to get through it. If you are one of those people that mopes around frowning and not excited NO ONE will want to be your friend! This is an important day and you have to welcome the awkward silences and weird eye contact that comes along with it. Being friendly and open can also help open doors to new experiences throughout your next few years in college that you wouldn't of received otherwise.

2. Waiting

These day/s will be filled with a lot of waiting and time to reflect all of your life choices so be prepared to sit and listen to a lot of people talk. Take this time as a useful way to examine what you want to get out of college and ways you can get involved. For me, I read lots of the little papers they gave me and took some buzzed quizzes to pass more time. Whether you are on your phone or creating small talk with a new friend it helps to always have your mind on something to make time pass faster (and boosts your social self-confidence).

3. Wisdom

The most important and only goal of orientation is picking classes and the best way to figure it all out - since it is very confusing - is to listen to your advisor. They are the most knowledgable on your situation and can really help you figure out the perfect classes to take. Even though I have only met my advisor twice, he is already so funny and has my best interests in mind. They aren't here to make your life a living hell, but rather to give you guidance and advice that can really affect how your first year goes. Sometimes giving up control to those above us is hard - being stubborn isn't bad but can hinder this process - but I promise you will reap the benefits!

Orientation shouldn't seem so scary now. It is and always will be a giant group of people, just as nervous as you, looking to start their college years off in the best way possible. With the help of amazing orientation leaders, advisors, and fellow students, you can make this year everything you have hoped for and so much more. So don't be afraid to get uncomfortable and ask questions because in the end it is your experience and you want to make it count.

xo Christy

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